APUSH Exam Score Calculator: Determine Your AP U.S. History Score
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To calculate your APUSH (AP U.S. History) score, you need to consider the different sections of the exam and their corresponding weights. Here’s a breakdown of the scoring components:
- Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ): This section consists of 55 questions and is worth 40% of your total score.
- Short Answer Questions (SAQ): There are 4 SAQs, and they account for 20% of your total score.
- Document-Based Question (DBQ): The DBQ requires you to analyze and interpret historical documents. It makes up 25% of your total score.
- Long Essay Question (LEQ): The LEQ section presents you with a choice of two prompts, and you must respond to one. It contributes 15% to your total score.
The APUSH exam is scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score. Each section is converted to a scaled score, and then the scaled scores are combined to determine your final score. The exact conversion scale may vary slightly from year to year, but generally, the following scale is used:
AP U.S History Score Scale Table | ||
RAW Score | Scaled Score | Recommendation |
90 – 115+ | 5 | Extremely well qualified |
75 – 89 | 4 | Well qualified |
60 – 74 | 3 | Qualified |
45 – 59 | 2 | Possibly qualified |
0 – 44 | 1 | No recommendation |
Please consult the College Board’s official APUSH exam guidelines for the most up-to-date information on scoring Guidelines.