[Yoos-Fuhl] is a pronunciation of useful, which is the mission of this site to become a useful website, useful for all users in the world.
YoosFuhl.com site contains references, converters, calculators, online tools, electricity, mathematics, programming code, explanations (How To) and tips and tricks for web design.
YoosFuhl.com website is created by IT practitioners who need converters and tools that are used repeatedly such as color conversion, image conversion, HTML, JS, web color, web tools and others.
This website is also useful for all internet users in general, with various features that this site is popular for helping internet users such as password makers created specifically for internet users who are confused when creating passwords, calculators ranging from date & time, electricity, finance , class, healthy, light, math, wire to others. In addition, there are also general converter categories for electricity, energy, voltage etc.
We also made topics on electrical, mathematical, and How To articles for students.
We want this website to be useful for internet users and can make this website a quality reference, in accordance with [YoosFuhl] useful pronunciation.
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