Military Time Converter

This converter is useful for converting standard 12 hour time (AM / PM) which is commonly used by civilians to military time. Example: Civilian 8:00 P.M = 2000 military.

Military Time to Standard Time Converter

Example: 1630 military time = 4:30 P.M

Standard Time to Military Time Converter

Example: 3:30 P.M = 1530 military time.

How to convert into military time?

Before we know how to convert military time, it’s good to know in advance what military time is.

Military time is a method of measuring time based on 24 hours in one day, while the size of time commonly used by civilians is two groups (AM & PM) 12 hours. Military clock starts at midnight (0000 hours / Zero Hundred Hours) and runs all the way until 2359 hours (or 11:59 p.m.) until it resets at 0000 hours at midnight again.


Civilian ⇔ Military time

add 0 + (1:00 am - 9:59 am)
add a zero in front of 1am – 9:59 am, E.g. 9:30 am = 0930
add 1200 + (1:00 pm - 11:59 pm)
add 1200 to any time from 1:00 pm to 11:59 pm, E.g. 1:45pm = 1200 + 145 = 1345

Military ⇔ Civilian time

If greater than 1300 - 1200
greater than 1300 subtract 1200 to get the standard time, E.g. 1800 – 1200 = 600 = 6:00 pm

1. convert 1800 hours to standard time?
1800 – 1200 = 600 = 6:00 pm

2. convert 2100 hours
2100 – 1200 = 900 = 9:00 pm

3. convert 0017 hours
00 = 12 am, add 17 = 12:17 am

4. convert 2300 hours
2300 – 1200 = 1100 = 11:00 pm

5. convert 1700 hours
1700 – 1200 = 500 = 5:00 pm

6. Convert 5 pm. 5 pm = 5:00 pm
500 + 1200 = 1700 hours in military

7. Convert 10 pm. 10 pm = 10:00 pm
1000 + 1200 = 2200 hours in military

Military Time Now

Current Military Time

Current Local Time

Military Time Chart

12-hour (AM/PM) clock 24-hour military time Pronunciation
12:00 AM 0000 Zero Hundred hours
1:00 AM 0100 Zero One Hundred hours
2:00 AM 0200 Zero Two Hundred hours
3:00 AM 0300 Zero Three Hundred hours
4:00 AM 0400 Zero Four Hundred hours
5:00 AM 0500 Zero Five Hundred hours
6:00 AM 0600 Zero Six Hundred hours
7:00 AM 0700 Zero Seven Hundred hours
8:00 AM 0800 Zero Eight Hundred hours
9:00 AM 0900 Zero Nine Hundred hours
10:00 AM 1000 Ten Hundred hours
11:00 AM 1100 Eleven Hundred hours
12:00 PM 1200 Twelve Hundred hours
1:00 PM 1300 Thirteen Hundred hours
2:00 PM 1400 Fourteen Hundred hours
3:00 PM 1500 Fifteen Hundred hours
4:00 PM 1600 Sixteen Hundred hours
5:00 PM 1700 Seventeen Hundred hours
6:00 PM 1800 Eighteen Hundred hours
7:00 PM 1900 Nineteen Hundred hours
8:00 PM 2000 Twenty Hundred hours
9:00 PM 2100 Twenty-one Hundred hours
10:00 PM 2200 Twenty-two Hundred hours
11:00 PM 2300 Twenty-three Hundred hours Would you like to receive notifications on latest updates? No Yes