Color Conversion

Color code converter, HEX (#) ⇄ RGB ⇄ HSV ⇄ HSL

Hex (#):
RGB (R,G,B): ,     ,
HSV (H,S,V): °, %, %
HSL (H,S,L): °, %, %
Color preview:
Example: Convert color code white, insert value ffffff (6 digits) and click Convert Button to convert HEX #ffffff to RGB (Red, Green, Blue), HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value), and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness).

Color code Table Chart

Name Black White Red Lime Blue Yellow Cyan Magenta Silver Gray Maroon Olive Green Purple Teal Navy
Hex #000000 #FFFFFF #FF0000 #00FF00 #0000FF #FFFF00 #00FFFF #FF00FF #C0C0C0 #808080 #800000 #808000 #008000 #800080 #008080 #000080
(R,G,B) (0,0,0) ###### (255,0,0) (0,255,0) (0,0,255) (255,255,0) (0,255,255) (255,0,255) ######### ####### (128,0,0) (128,128,0) (0,128,0) (128,0,128) (0,128,128) (0,0,128)
(H,S,V) (0°,0%,0%) (0°,0%,100%) (0°,100%,100%) (120°,100%,100%) (240°,100%,100%) (60°,100%,100%) (180°,100%,100%) (300°,100%,100%) (0°,0%,75%) (0°,0%,50%) (0°,100%,50%) (60°,100%,50%) (120°,100%,50%) (300°,100%,50%) (180°,100%,50%) (240°,100%,50%)
(H,S,L) (0°,0%,0%) (0°,0%,100%) (0°,100%,50%) (120°,100%,50%) (240°,100%,50%) (60°,100%,50%) (180°,100%,50%) (300°,100%,50%) (0°,0%,75%) (0°,0%,50%) (0°,100%,25%) (60°,100%,25%) (120°,100%,25%) (300°,100%,25%) (180°,100%,25%) (240°,100%,25%) Would you like to receive notifications on latest updates? No Yes