mW to dBm Online Converter

Online Converter (mW) milliwatts to (dBm) decibel-milliwatts, insert the power value in mW and press Convert button to calculate the dBm result.

dBm result: dBm

How to Convert mW to dBm?

P (dBm) = 10 x log 10 ( P (mW) / 1 mW)

Example: Convert 45 mW to dBm?

P (dBm) = 10 x log 10 ( 45 (mW) / 1 mW)
45 mW = 16.532125138 dBm

mW to dBm conversion table

milliwatts (mW) decibel-milliwatts (dBm)
0+ mW -∞ dBm
0.01 mW -20 dBm
0.1 mW -10 dBm
1 mW 0 dBm
2 mW 3.0103 dBm
3 mW 4.7712 dBm
4 mW 6.0206 dBm
5 mW 6.9897 dBm
6 mW 7.7815 dBm
7 mW 8.4510 dBm
8 mW 9.0309 dBm
 9 mW 9.5424 dBm
10 mW 10 dBm
100 mW 20 dBm
1000 mW 30 dBm
10000 mW 40 dBm
 100000 mW 50 dBm
 1000000 mW 60 dBm
 10000000 mW 70 dBm
100000000 mW 80 dBm
1000000000 mW 90 dBm
 10000000000 mW 100 dBm

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