This Amps to Kilowatts calculator to convert Amps & volts value into power result in Kilowatts, select your current type (DC/AC), insert amps and voltage, then press Calculate to get the power result in kW. Swap kW to Amps calculator.
How to Calculate Amps to Kilowatts
AC, DC Amps to Kilowatts manual calculation
Amps (DC) to kW formula:
P(kW) = I(A) × V(V) / 1000
Power (P) in kilowatts equal to current (A) amps, multiplied by voltage in (V) volts divided by 1000.
Amps (AC single phase) to kW formula:
P(kW) = PF × I(A) × V(V) / 1000
Power (P) in kilowatts equal to Power Factor (PF), multiplied by current I (A) amps, multiplied by voltage in (V) volts divided by 1000.
Amps (AC three phase) to kW formula:
Line to line voltage
P(kW) = √3 × PF × I(A) × VL-L (V) / 1000
Line to neutral voltage
P(kW) = √3 × PF × I(A) × VL-N (V) / 1000
(PF) Power Factor values:
Device | Typical power factor |
Resistive load | 1 |
Fluorescent lamp | 0.95 |
Incandescent lamp | 1 |
Induction motor full load | 0.85 |
Induction motor no load | 0.35 |
Resistive oven | 1 |
Synchronous motor | 0.9 |
*For accurate calculations do not use typical power factor values.
Glad You like it..
Thanks for the correction
Thanks, great tool. Love it.
But I wonder is there a spelling error . Should not the last formula should also be Square root of 3. (Line to neutral voltage)