Amps (A) to Kilowatts (kW) Calculator

This Amps to Kilowatts calculator to convert Amps & volts value into power result in Kilowatts, select your current type (DC/AC), insert amps and voltage, then press Calculate to get the power result in kW. Swap kW to Amps calculator.

Select current type:  
Enter current in amps: A
Enter voltage in volts: V
Power result in kilowatts: kW

How to Calculate Amps to Kilowatts

AC, DC Amps to Kilowatts manual calculation

Amps (DC) to kW formula:

P(kW) = I(A) × V(V) / 1000

Power (P) in kilowatts equal to current (A) amps, multiplied by voltage in (V) volts divided by 1000.

Amps (AC single phase) to kW formula:

P(kW) = PF × I(A) × V(V) / 1000

Power (P) in kilowatts equal to Power Factor (PF), multiplied by current I (A) amps, multiplied by voltage in (V) volts divided by 1000.

Amps (AC three phase) to kW formula:
Line to line voltage

P(kW) = √3 × PF × I(A) × VL-L (V) / 1000

Line to neutral voltage

P(kW) = √3 × PF × I(A) × VL-N (V) / 1000

(PF) Power Factor values:

Device Typical power factor
Resistive load 1
Fluorescent lamp 0.95
Incandescent lamp 1
Induction motor full load 0.85
Induction motor no load 0.35
Resistive oven 1
Synchronous motor 0.9

*For accurate calculations do not use typical power factor values.

2 thoughts on “Amps (A) to Kilowatts (kW) Calculator”

  1. Thanks, great tool. Love it.

    But I wonder is there a spelling error . Should not the last formula should also be Square root of 3. (Line to neutral voltage)

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